

Wer uns zu lesen versteht, besitzt den Schlüssel zu der großen Buchfeenwelt und zu unerträumten Möglichkeiten
Siri & Selma

Da haben sich kühn zwei lästernde Buchfeen in meiner Bibliothek eingenistet. Ich hoffte, es seien die hilfreichen Frauen der Heinzelmännchen, aber nichts da, es sind Siri und Selma. Frecherweise lesen die beiden nicht nur meine Bücher leer und verstellen sie, sondern sie bloggen auch über mein Leben als Autor und die Bücher, die ich lese. Siri, das muss ich neidvoll anerkennen, ist sehr belesen. Ihre Schwester Selma interessiert sich mehr für Bilder, den Garten, Skurrilitäten und speziell für Seeabenteuer. Und eigentlich sind die beiden auch ganz in Ordnung. Seit einiger Zeit sind sie mit mir auf Dinas Blog umgezogen, daher betreiben wir diesen Blog nur noch als unser Archiv. Wenn Ihr sehen wollt, was wie wir jetzt zusammen mit der norwegischen Fotografin Hanne Siebers alias Dina bloggen, dann besucht uns doch bitte auf dem Blog www.toffeefee.wordpress.com. Wir freuen uns auf Euren Besuch.
Auf  Regalbrett 3 und 4, oberhalb der mittelalterlichen Literatur, haben die beiden Buchfeen ihre Kuschelbettchen aufgeschlagen. Dort turnen sie herum und schreiben bisweilen emsig auf ihren McFee. Selma hat sich von ihren TaschengeldFayrieTalern eine kleine Knipsi-Ausrüstung gekauft, die sie hinter „Tristan und Isolde“ in der großen Ausgabe von Gottfried von Strassburg lagert. Sie zogen auf die Regalbretter 3 und 4, da Buchfeen in der Tiefe ihres Herzens Romantiker sind und wie diese stets sehnsüchtigst zurück ins Mittelalter blicken. Sie lesen abends die Minnesinger der Manessischen Handschrift, den Parzival, den armen Heinrich und überhaupt schwärmt Siri von Hartmann von Aue, Selma mehr für den langhaarig blonden Walther von der Vogelweide. Also zogen sie auf Regalbrett 3 und 4, um ihre Lieblingsliteratur immer griffbereit zu haben. Tagsüber lesen sie jedoch zeitgenössische nordische und englische Literatur in ihrer Hängematte unter den Apfelbäumen.

Unser Blog ist jetzt in dem nordischen Blog The World According to Dina aufgegangen“, informiert mich Siri gerade zwischen Tür und Angel, „aber Ruhe jetzt! Ich muss bloggen!“ Weg ist sie. Das habe ich doch schon oben geschrieben, aber was soll’s.
Diese Dina scheint mit den Buchfeen unter einer Decke zu stecken. Ich vermute, sie versorgt die beiden heimlich (!) mit nordischen Filmen und skandinavischer Literatur.
Wir schreiben nun auf Dinas Blog. Kannst ja gucken kommen„, ruft Selma und schon ist auch sie weg, um „Knipsis„, wie sie es nennt, zu machen, dreht sich jedoch noch einmal schnell um und schaut mich ernst an: „Wir freuen uns über Kommentare und Austausch! Schreib das für alle, die mit uns bloggen wollen.

Wir fühlen uns geehrt, wenn wir für Blog Awards vorgeschlagen werden, dennoch nehmen wir keine an. Warum? Das könnt Ihr hier lesen. Euer Besuch und Eure Gedanken in Kommentaren und Eure Likes sind uns genug und wenn Ihr uns sehr toll findet, nehmt uns bitte in Eurer Blogroll auf. Danke.


Please no blog awards, we are already been rewarded.
We are honoured by your nominations, but we are no longer accepting blogging awards. Your presence here, and your thoughts and messages are more than enough for us! Why? You can read it here. If you like to include our blog in your blogroll, please.

Alle Texte und Bilder in diesem Blog sind geistiges Eigentum des Autors Klausbernd Vollmar, der das copyright für Siri BuchFee, Selma BilderFee und Dina TofFeeFee alias Hanne Siebers verwaltet. Sie unterliegen den geltenden Urheberrechtsgesetzen.

© 2018, mail@kbvollmar.de

Eine Antwort »

  1. Pingback: Einfach. Schön. Von Natur aus. Norfolk. | The World according to Dina

  2. Na dann muss ich doch glatt mal öfter hier vorbeischauen! Beste Grüsse aus Mexiko.

    • Liebe Grüße zurück von der Küste Nord-Norfolks. Du scheinst auch ein Expat zu sein? Deinen Reisebericht über Mexiko finde ich toll – ich fuhr auch einst die Strecke, aber das ist 30 Jahre her.
      Herzliche Grüße von Klausbernd und seinen beiden Buchfeen Siri & Selma

      • In manchen abgelegenen Gegenden Mexikos scheint die Zeit (fast) stehen geblieben zu sein, nicht allerdings an der Küste und in den grossen Städten, dort war die Entwicklung rasant. Ja, bin Expat, lebe seit Anfang der 1990er Jahre in div. Ländern, Mexiko hat es mir irgendwie besonders angetan.
        Grüsse nach East Anglia!

  3. Liiiebe Grüße nach Mexiko,
    eine feine Fahrt. Stell dir vor, ich bin mit dem Master u.a. nach Palenque geflattet, heute sicherlich voll touristisch, aber Masterchen kann Urwald nicht leiden. So flatterten wir dann weiter die beiden Küsten rauf und runter. Ich fand`s munter.
    Rundum schönes Reisen wünschen die Buchfee Siri und ihre Schwester Selma, die gerade Artischoken erntet, lässt auch grüßen 🙂 🙂

  4. Ein sehr interessanter Blog und nett gestaltet.
    Gruss aus dem jetzt reichlich warmen Nordwest Arkansas,

  5. Hier gibt es eine Menge zu lesen. Das macht Spaß.

  6. Dank dir für deinen Besuch. 🙂
    Uns macht`s einfach Spaß zu schreiben.
    Herzliche Grüße vom Meer
    die beiden Buchfeen Siri & Selma und Klausbernd

  7. tausendundeineblume

    Was für ein bezaubernder Schreibstil, der Freude pur verstrahlt. Da komm ich doch gerne öfters her… 🙂

    Liebe Grüße
    Marion, eine Münchnerin, die sich gerade neu in der Schweiz einlebt

  8. hi KBV, thanks for visiting my arranqhenderson blog, and for reading and liking so many of my posts. I am very flattered. I would very much like to return the favour, especially as your blog looks so interesting. I’ve tried reading, but I think the de-fault German to English automatic translation service that you (or the site?) uses is – unfortunately- very bad. It’s a real shame, because I’m sure in the original language the posts are excellent. The translations however are really terrible, It is a difficult thing to say but I just thought you would prefer to know the honest truth. This is a typical translated sentence: „I hoped that it was the woman helpers of brownies, but nothing since, there are… “ I’m afraid no english speaker will know or understand what „woman helpers of brownies“ are“ ! and there are many other sentences like that.
    There is a reason why nearly all your readers are native German speakers, and very few from English speaking countries. Anyway, I hope you don’t mind me saying all this, but on balance, I thought you would prefer to know than not to know. My very best regards and respects- Arran.

    • Dear Arran,
      thanks a lot for visting my blog here, too. You are right blogging in German cuts out all the non-German-speakers. Sorry for being so German 😉 But my problem with blogging is time. I just don`t have the time to blog in both languages English and German.
      These translations are probably harder to understand than my German 😉 In your example I couldn`t even say which sentence of mine was translated there.
      I try to open the language barrier by presenting my blogs always with pictures so that non-German-speakers get a level to enjoy my blog.
      But I will think about it – maybe I will start to blog bilingual in the coming year . Unfortunately I can`t spare any time for it now because I have to go on a lecture and book signing tour soon.
      All the best and many thanks

      • Ha, hi, Bernd Klaus, no, of course I can’t read your blog in the original German language version, and that’s a shame because I am sure it’s very interesting. Unfortunately I just can’t read German. What I was trying to say was, not about the blog itself, but about the automatic translation service that pops up, the translation it provides, is very bad. It was not a criticism of your blog, at all !! Anyway, it was well-meant, and I hope you didn’t take it the wrong way. I don’t blame you, by the way, for not translating your own blog. As you say, it would take a long time, and time is precious. Anyway, 100M+ German speakers is enough of an audience, no? Anyway, for my part I appreciate your visits to my blog. I believe you are coming to Ireland sometime soon, and I hope you find a few things on my posts to interest and amuse you. My very best regards- Arran.

      • Dear Arran,
        since autumn 2012 I blog bilingual. I write fewer blogs but therefore bilingual. So it is easier for you and all other non-reading-German-people to understand it.
        No, I didn`t see your comment as a critique, not at all.
        Thanks for taking time to write a comment.
        All the best

  9. Dear Arran,

    no, I didn`t understand your comment as criticism, not at all.

    These translation programmes one can forget about it. I am a writer and a specialist for symbolism. I tried to develop a programme which could understand symbolic meaning. But I had to give it up because programming semantics is a very, very big job.

    Next week an interview of me will be published by a blog of a German literary agency. My blog will be presented as one of the leading literary blogs in German. I was asked to recomment three to five literary blogs in English. First I would like to recommend your blog if you don`t mind. And may I ask you a question, please? Which literary blogs in English do you like?
    By the way, „literary“ doesn`t mean „literary only“. I would appreciate your answer very much.

    I am off now to the the Pirate`s Festival in the next village 🙂
    Thank you for your time and your comments. Have a relaxing weekend.
    My very best regards

    • Dear pirates/leading literary blog writers/fellow German & English speakers: suggest you get yourself a language genius like myself ^_^ My field of expertise in daily life covers Technical & Engineering subjects [although deep down I’ve always quite fancied myself as a literary talent, ha!] and so I need to keep my playground mainly visual. Will definitely stop by now’n then to get my fix of intellectualness though, we like!
      With V dub love from North Wales (UK)
      Babs B

      • Thanks very much for your commentary 🙂
        I went hiking quite often in Snowdonia, was great!
        Have a relaxing week
        Klausbernd and his funny Bookfayries Siri & Selma

  10. Pingback: Die “Situation” – Bloggen um des Bloglesendürfens willen | irgendlink

  11. Thanks for stopping by and the like!

  12. Thanks for coming by my blog so that I could discover yours! My German isn’t that good 😉
    You have a cool blog!

  13. Thank you for visiting my blog. I’m glad you liked my post about Mr Moser. I wish that I could read German so I could read your blog. It looks very interesting. I am a fan of Rockwell Kent and find Herman Melville rather fascinating. I do know a couple of German Shepherds but I don’t think they know any German either so I’m at a loss. I may stop in sometimes tho to look at your pictures.

    • Thanks for yor commentary 🙂
      Well, I am considering to blog bilingual in German and English or even in 3 languages as Dina is Norwegian and I speak a little Swedish (both languages don`t differ that much).
      Have a great day
      Take care

  14. Hallo,
    Toller Blog,macht richtig Spaß zu lesen …und das auch noch ohne Sprachschwierigkeiten 😉
    Und ja….auch ich liebe Norwegen 🙂
    Einen schönen Sonntag und LG

  15. Hello, appreciate much for skimming through my blog. Yours looks fantastic, though unfortunately I don’t read German (though I wish I could). I’m lovin the photos anyway, and that made me happy.

    • Hi, thank you for calling in. Well, German is not an easy language, the grammar is horrible, but anyway, thanks for your comment.
      The pictures on my blog are more or less all done by Dina and the collages as well
      http://toffeefee.wordpress.com. The pictures of the arctic are taken by me.
      All the best

      • THose are knock-out photos. Both you and Dina deffo have an excellent eye in photography. Thanks for sharing it to the world. By the way, who are Siri and Selma? Hope you don’t mind me asking. 🙂

      • Thank you 🙂
        Siri and Selma are our bookfayries who sometimes are living with me in Norfolk/England or with Dina in Bonn/Germany. They are, well, probably virtual children with wings 😉

  16. Hi!
    Many thanks for stopping by our blog and liking my wine recommendation post: much appreciated!
    I just wish I could speak German to be able to more thoroughly appreciate your blog! Looks very nice though.
    Take care

    • Thank you very much, dear Stefano. Well, who doesn`t like a good glas of wine or two.
      It seems to me my blog is getting more and more bilingual. Probably that reflects my situation as a German living at the North-Norfolk coast for more than 30 years.
      Take care
      Have a great day

  17. Appreciate you stopping by my blog and liking several posts. Best to you.

  18. Hello. I have been tremendously fascinated by your works. And for that I have you nominated for a Sunshine Award. Very well-deserved. Cheers.

    • Thanks a lot, I really feel honoured.
      I am amazed that you are able to read German. But I am contemplating to blog bilingual from next year onwards (or even in German, English and Swedish/Norwegian)
      Have a great week! Enjoy life 🙂

  19. Thanks for liking my post on my photo blog! How did you find me? I often wonder about that when I get a like!

    • Dear Paula,
      your photo blog was recommended by Dina running photo blog as well
      http:// toffeefee.wordpress.com
      And I am very happy having found your blog.
      Greetings from the wild sea

  20. Hi, I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award! If you are interested, check my post: https://limacreativegarden.wordpress.com/2012/12/04/the-sunshine-award/ Congratulations, have a nice week!

  21. Dear Mamsellproust,
    thank you very much 🙂
    I am a little bit puzzled: Are you mamsellproust or limacreativegarden or is that the same blog?
    I like your blog very much and follwing it happily. You are included in my blogroll now.
    Actually I am a bit sceptical about those blog awards because they seem to me like those chain letters from the old times. Until now I did object against any nomination. But as I visited your blog it changed my mind. I am not quite sure what I have to do now? Okay, nominating ten other blogs brings traffic on either side – hopefully 😉 but is traffic everything? My feeling is that in the bloggosphere quatity counts much higher than quality. On the other side I like the quality of information on your blog.
    These ten questions I have to answer are quite uninspired, don`t you think so, too? I am bit afraid that those blogs I would recommend will object to questions like „What is your favourite number?“ etc.
    Okay, you tell me what I have to do, please, and I will think about it. I have to discuss it with my partner Dina first because her blog http://toffeefee.wordpress.com and my blog are closely connected.
    But, thanks a lot and have a great week
    Klausbernd 🙂

  22. Thank you so much for visiting my blog in Kingston, Jamaica… My German is very „rusty“ these days, but I love your blog. It is beautiful and creative. I am also now following Dina’s blog, which is also lovely. Please continue to visit me from time to time. Thank you!

    • Thank you so much 🙂
      We will go on visiting your blog, too, of course, it`s really worthwhile, indeed!
      Have a great day
      Klausbernd and his bookfayries 🙂 🙂 🙂

  23. Hello, my german is in a better state than I first thought! I really enjoyed reading about you. Where can I find your books?

    • Dear Virginia,

      here the list of my books about colour:

      – Die Magie der Farben – erleben und anwenden (Königsfurt-Urania, 2010), ISBN 978-3-86826-110-3
      – Das große Buch der Farben (Königsfurt-Urania, 2009), ISBN 978-3-86826-109-7
      – Farben (Knaur MensSana, München 2009), ISBN 978-3-426-87393-9
      – Das kleine Buch der Farben (Königsfurt-Urania, 2008), ISBN 978-3-89875-196-4
      – Die faszinierende Welt der Farben – ein Glossar von A-Z (ars momentum, Witten 2008), ISBN 978-3-938193-41-9
      – Sprache und Macht der Farben (ars momentum, Witten 2007), ISBN 978-3-938193-34-1

      Those books are not in print any longer:

      – Das Geheimnis der Farbe Rot (Bauer Vlg.)
      – Das Geheimnis der Farbe Schwarz (Fischer Media/Bern)
      – Das Geheimnis der Farbe Weiß (Fischer Media/Bern)
      – Das große Handbuch der Farben (Königsfurt), ISBN 3-89875-165-1
      – Farben (Gräfe & Unzer Vlg.)
      – Schwarz-Weiß (Goldmann Vlg./Random House)

      You can find all these books at amazon or I stock some of them as well. Some of these books are available in Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Russian and the Slowenic language, too.

      Thank you for your interest in my work 🙂 You find a complete list of all the books of mine which are and were published worldwide on my website http://www.kbvollmar.de
      Greetings from Norfolk

  24. Thanks for visiting my blog, be in touch with my blog browse through the categories, u may find it interesting

  25. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog

  26. Outstanding post, I think blog owners should larn a lot from this web site its real user genial. So much good info on here :D.

  27. It was something like smelling books… you know how smells, especially old books… Thank you so much for visiting my blog because I am so glad to meet with this amazing blog. Although my first language was German, I don’t speak German but my second language is English. As you can see I have language problem but nothing can stop me to read your articles, posts… but it will take time to read them, but seems it is worthy. Now I know I have a wonderful library in this invisible word… what a contrast! Thank you dear Klausbernd and Bookfayries Siri and Selma, and also I should add, I loved photographs too, especially the booklover dog 🙂 I will check your book list too, maybe I can find in English translated ones too. Have a nice 2013. Greetings and Love from Istanbul, nia

    • Dear Nia,
      thank you very much for comment that made my bookfayries and me really happy 🙂
      Well, well, I have my problem writing English too. This week I will go on presenting libraries and favourite books.
      Love from the sunny coast of North Norfolk to Instambul
      Klausbernd and his happy Bookfayries Siri & Selma 🙂 🙂

      • You are welcome dear Klausbernd, I have just searched about your English books, but let me know where can I find them, Amazon seems don’t have. Thank you, love, nia

      • Dear Nia,
        unfortunately most of my books are available in German, Italian, Spanisch and some other languages but not in English. I don`t know if you are able to read German easily, but in German 6 bboks about colours and 5 books on symbolism have been published in recent years.
        But there exist actually some English/American editions of older books of mine too
        „Journey Through the Chakras“ (Gateway Publ., Bath)
        „The Secrets of the Enneagram“ (Element Publ., New York)
        „The Enneagram-Workbook“ (Element Publ., New York)
        „The Little Giant Dictionary of Dream Symbols“ (Sterlimg, New York)
        All these English books I did write about 20 years and more ago. Nowadays I write mostly about symbolism (especially of colours and dreams, in literature, film and advertisment.
        Have a pleasant evening

  28. thanks for stopping by to my humble house.
    you have a cool blog..

    • Dear Perca,
      I think you have a great blog as well. I like stopping at your „humble house“.
      Greetings from the coast of North Norfolk

      • haha.. thanks for that.
        Thanks god and Its nice for me to know you. you are great man. I want learn more from you.
        Greetings from Andalas Island

      • Dear Perca,
        thanks a lot 🙂 and thanks for visiting my blog as well.
        I had to look it up where Andalas Island is situated. Now I know its Indonesia. But probably you don`t know North Norfolk neither. That`s in East Anglia, the Southeast of England.
        Greetings from the coast, really great today: snow and bright sunshine
        Klausbernd and his Bookfayries Siri and Selma

      • Dear Mr. Bernad

        You are welcome sir. Its nice to know your homeland, there was the beautiful place.
        I had faal in love with England, the old village, the old building, the old architecture, the country side, the coast, and many things. Wish be there some day..:)
        Greetings from the highland of Andalas

      • Dear Perca,
        thank you for liking my home country I do really love as well. But I am not English borne. I am a German borne at Cologne in the Rhine valley – and therefore I am struggeling with the English language too.
        Greetings to the highland of Andalas

      • Mr. Bernad,

        You are welcome sir,

        Haha.. yes, its make me confuse. But I am too shy for asking you.

        Cologne was remembering me about the most famous historic cathedral there, Its Beautiful.

        Greetings to North Norfolk

      • Yes, I am born not to far from this cathedral but went to live in Norfolk more than 30 years ago.
        A great weekend

  29. Danke für das Besuchen

  30. Thank you for liking my post about internships! Happy blogging.

  31. AnElephantCant think of anything clever to say
    This happens time after time
    But he wants you to know
    That he likes you and so
    He says hello with this silly rhyme

  32. Hi. It is nice to meet you. Thank you for liking one of my posts today. I cant wait to spend more time reading yours. You have so much here. You are the first German blogger I have seen and I am happy …as my father came over to states from Germany. Very intellegent blog…looking forward to more.

    • Dear Mistymidnight,
      what a great blog name! I like it 🙂
      Thank you very much for your commentary and your praise 🙂
      Well, I am a German living at the northern coast of Norfolk in East Anglia. Originaly I am from Cologne.
      Have a great weekend

  33. Hey! Thanks for checking out my blog! Hugs from Oz…….Paula x

  34. Dear Paula,
    thank you so much for your commentary. I like visiting your blog.
    Have a happy evening in Oz, enjoy the socerer 😉

  35. What an interesting blog! Thanks for liking my post. I’m looking forward to exploring your posts.

  36. Hallo und vielen Dank für’s Vorbeischauen auf einem meiner Blogs und den ‚Like‘.
    Soso, Bücherfeen… Gefällt mir. Zumal ich selber von meiner Muse Dave heimgesucht werde. Gruß aus dem hohen Norden nach GB. Jule

    • Liebe Jule,
      the pleasure is mine! Gerne habe ich deinen denglischen 😉 Blog besucht, indeed. Tolle Idee, diese Mischung aus Deutsch, Ol` English und Platt – gar nicht platt.
      Ich sage dir, meine Bookfayries schlugen Purzelbäume vor Vergnügen.
      Liebe Grüße von der heute stürmischen Küste Nord Norfolks
      Klausbernd und seine Bookfayries Siri & Selma 🙂 🙂

  37. petit4chocolatier

    You have a wonderfully interesting blog!

  38. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and liking my photos. I appreciate it very much. Best of luck to you. I wish you much success in all your future endevears. 😀

  39. Hej from Sweden!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking my post about my African Clawed Frogs.
    Welcome back anytime!

  40. I like this. It’s a treat. Thank you for liking some of my things…sweet fairies!

  41. Thank you very much for taking your time commenting 🙂
    We Fayries are happily coming back to you blog as well 🙂
    Sweet fayriedust from Siri & Selma

  42. Ich grüße Siri und Selma, aber vor allem wollte ich mich für den Besuch auf meiner Seite bedanken und Grüße von Psychologin an Psychologen senden!

    • Na, da kommt doch gleich ein kollegialer Gruß zurück 🙂 und herzlichen Dank für deinen Kommentar.
      Siri und Selma lassen dich lieb grüßen, sie mähen gerade den Rasen für Fayrietaler als Taschengeld.
      Herzliche Grüße von mir

  43. Hi! I just wanted to say thank you for visiting and liking my artblog! All the best!

  44. Inger-Kristina Wegener

    So, here I found it: another author who travels between German and English and finds nothing to it. Ich freue mich, Ihre Bekanntschaft zu machen, hier in den seltsamen Regaltiefen des Internets. Auch darauf, diesem blog aus verwandter Sprachfamilie auf den Spuren zu bleiben. Vielen Dank für den Besuch meiner Seite, by the way. I so appreciate the feed back of a fellow writers. Herzliche Grüße and my respect for the book fairies who seem to be little busy-bodies and are pulling their full weight as is apparently throughout this blog! Kristina

    • Liebe Kristina,
      habe Dank für deinen ausführlichen Kommentar in entzückendem Denglisch. I love it! Ich lebe schon seit einiger Zeit sozusagen örtlich an der Küste Nord-Norfolks und sprachlich in Deutschland, da ich in Deutsch schreibe. Die englischen Ausgaben meiner Bücher besorgten die Übersetzer der Verlage. Well, my Bookfayries are very busy all the time and as live in the bookshelves they know most of the secrets of books.
      Where about do you live in England?
      Also tschüss and „nice to meet you“
      Klausbernd und Siri und Selma

  45. Inger-Kristina Wegener

    Lieber Klausbernd, dearest Book (s) elves, sorry, Bookfayries,
    not Britain, New York. Allerdings lebe ich wiederum seit einiger Zeit wieder in Norddeutschland (nach 14 Jahren USA) – und meine zweite Sprache ist mir treu gefolgt. There might be some wee differences to the Elvish Forms of English you are surrounded by , noone has yet been called lad or lassie in my stories, though I am sometimes tempted to give it a try. I have spent some time in Scotland once. Instead, at the moment, you might be so lucky to sometimes discern the streets of the city, New York, in y work, New York and its people who seem to have to obey the Dewey Decimal System to sort themselves out.
    So I am indeed pleased to meet you, too, fellow traveler and writer. Tschüss and talk to you soon, I am sure, Kristina

    • Hi Kristina,
      danke für deinen langen Kommentar. I have lived in NYC as well, in a penthouse at the Washington Square. I don´t really know if there is a difference between Fayries and Elves, well, Siri and told me: „It`s easy, there exist Bookfayries but have you ever come across a book Elv?“
      Tschüss und noch einen feinen Tag

  46. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love Cley. We have stayed at the George Hotel and a tiny, beautiful cottage. I love walking around the village on a moonlit night when I can hear the sea in the distance and smell the marshes in the breeze. I’ll enjoy your blog!

    • Wow, you know Cley – GREAT!
      „The George“ is just a five minute`s walk from where I am living.
      Thanks for your commentary.
      Greetings from Cley next the Sea
      Klausbernd and his busy Bookfayries Siri and Selma

  47. Thanks for the „like“! Hope you entered the giveaway?

  48. Thanks so much for checking out my blog 🙂

  49. Hej from Sweden!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking my recent post.
    As always, you are most welcome back!

    • Hej og takk so myke for visting and commenting 🙂
      Of course you are very welcome to come back also.
      Ha de og ha en fin dag
      Greetings from the sunny coast of North Norfolk
      P.S.: When I was a child I lived in Smaland for nearly a year but unfortunately all my Swedish has vanished, sorry.

  50. Thanks for reading and liking my blog

  51. Hello, thank you very much, oder, ich danke Ihnen sehr (thanks google 😉 ) for checking out my new blog and liking it. I look forward to reading more of yours (and am definitely going to try the soda bread recipe!). Kind regards

    • Thank you for visiting my blog as well and for commenting. This soda bread is really easy and very yummie.
      It`s a pitty that I didn`t find your blog before. I will visit you regularly.
      All the best and a happy week
      Klausbernd and his chirpy Bookfayries Siri & Selma from the sunny coast of Norfolk

  52. I notice that you have been stopping by my blog from time to time. Thank you very much for the kind gesture. I sometimes come here to look at the pictures and read the captions beneath them. You have a very interesting and informative blog. I love looking at pictures! Thanks again for stopping by, and liking my posts. I do appreciate.

    • Thank you 🙂
      Indeed, I like your blog.
      Well, I am very privileged that my partner Dina, a Nowegian photographer, has always great ideas for pictures.
      All the best and thank you very much for commenting

  53. Thank you for liking my post and commenting on my Blog. Unfortunately, all I can say is Danke Shon. All the best with your kitchen renovation, and do drop by again! 🙂

  54. Love browsing though your posts

    Thanks a lot for the visit dear…..Keep blogging

  55. Thank you for following Malcolm’s Corner and liking ‚Poetry and Social Change‘.

  56. burnettfreelanceimagery

    Thanks so much for stopping by and liking several of my posts! Your support is greatly appreciated!!

  57. Hey! I just wanted to ask if you ever have any issues with hackers?
    My last blog (wordpress) was hacked and I ended up losing a few months of hard work due to no data backup.
    Do you have any solutions to protect against hackers?

    • No, I don`t have. But I copy every important post I write. Actually I write in MS Word quite often and copy it into WP.
      I read about hackers being active in WP just recently. I can`t remember where it was, but I do remember that in this post no solution was offered. Sorry.
      But nevertheless happy blogging

  58. Good info. Lucky me I ran across your site by
    chance (stumbleupon). I’ve book marked it for later!

  59. Today, I went to the beachfront with my children. I found a sea shell
    and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said „You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.“ She
    put the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear.

    She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is totally off topic
    but I had to tell someone!

    • I like stories off topic – so we float from one topic to the other (oh dear, quite unfocused – see may post about „focusing“ from this week)
      Your poor daughter.
      Have a great day
      Klausbernd and his happy Bookfayries Siri and Selma

  60. We think alike 🙂 hence my page „no to awards“ 😀

    • Thanks for visiting my award free blog 🙂
      Have a great evening
      Klausbernd and his funny Bookfayries Siri and Selma

      • I have a feeling you don’t like be called Klaus for short? If so, let me know and I will make an effort to remember Klausbernd 🙂

      • Dear Paula,
        well, well, here in England nearly everybody calls me Klaus as they have problems pronouncing that „bernd“ (which, by the way is unusual for Germans, too, I am the only one with this name). Klaus is okay as easy as Paula 😉
        Thanks for asking, very kind of you.
        Have a great rest of the week
        or Kb for short 😉

      • I have a strong dislike for abbreviations of names 😀 I will call you Klausbernd, shame Klaus made me see you more like a Santa 😉

      • Dear Paula,
        I am far from being holy – at least I hope so!
        Love from
        Klausbernd and his chirpy Bookfayries Siri and Selma

  61. Hey, vielen Dank für´s Vorbeischauen!

    Deine beiden Feen scheinen ja einiges großes, auch wahre, weiche Töne von Deiner Schulter zu schubsen. Ganz so, wie eine Dame ihr seidenes Tuch fallen lässt 😉

    Danke dafür!

    • Liebe Rebecca,
      oh was für ein poetisches Bild, sehr schön!
      Danke fürs Vorbeischauen und liebe Grüße von kleinen Dorf am großen Meer
      Siri und Selma, die munteren Buchfeen, lassen herzallerliebst grüßen

  62. Neat blog!
    Please let me know where you got your design.
    Bless you

    • It`s a standard WP-design. I just changed it a little bit to serve my needs perfectly. If you need some info about WP designs and how to customize them to your needs visit the blog „The World According to Dina“ (in my blogroll), please

  63. So, mein lieber Klaus Bernd, das ist ein „Rückwärtsbesuch“ um einfach mal zu checken, wie das Leben auf der linken Seite des Bettes so läuft…;-)))

    Das ist ein merkwürdiger Blog. Irgendwie bleibt „man“ daran kleben. Er hat ein Geheimnis. Aber das kriege ich noch raus…;-)))

    • Na, dann viel Spaß beim Ergründen des Geheimnisses 🙂 Wenn du es herausbekommen hast, lass es mich wissen, bitte.
      Ich hoffe doch, dass mein Blog würdig zu merken ist 😉
      Herzlich Grüße vom kleinen Dorf am großen Meer
      Klausbernd und seine wilden Buchfeen Siri und Selma

  64. Hi my loved one! I want to say that this article is awesome, great written and include almost all important infos.

    I would like to look extra posts like this .

    • Well, dear Daniel, we are TWO Bookfayries Siri and Selma!
      Thanks for visiting and commenting 🙂
      Have a great Weekend
      Siri, Selma, the wild Bookfayries, and their Master

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    I’d really like to be a part of online community where I can get feed-back from other knowledgeable people that share the same interest. If you have any recommendations, please let me know. Kudos!

  66. Getting to know these Buchfeen of yours! Rather like the idea of swinging in the hammock under the apple trees with Siri and Selma 🙂

    • Greetings from Siri and Selma to you. They are quite grumpy right now because we want to go for a stroll but they have to wear their Little fayrie-coats because it`s quite cold today and windy. They hate wearing coats.
      Thanks for your commentary.
      All the best from
      Klausbernd and Siri and Selma, the bright Bookfayries.

  67. Thank you very much for visit my site. :)..cheers!

  68. Great blog! Appreciate it

  69. Thanks for visiting my blog – appreciated. Lovely to be here reading all about you and your blog too. I have found it very interesting and fun. Good luck and thanks again. I will be back. 🙂

    • Hi Jane,
      thanks for commenting and, of course, my Bookfayries Siri and Selma and me are very happy that you want to visit us again 🙂
      Have a fine day
      Klausbernd and his busy Bookfayries Siri and Selma

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  73. Thank you 🙂 🙂 🙂

  74. Good day and thank you for liking our post!

  75. You are very welcome 🙂

  76. I regret, that I can not participate in discussion now. But with pleasure I will watch your themes.

  77. Lieber Klausbernd, danke fürs Vorbeischauen und die vielen Blumen! … Besonders spannend finde ich Dein Fachgebiet! Komme gern wieder um mehr darüber zu erfahren! Herzl. Grüße Tanja

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    To your success

    • Hi Chris,
      Oh dear, no! 4000 visitors/day would be hell for me. Who can manage that? More is not at all better, isn`t it?
      A dramatical increased traffic would be dramatic for me. And may I ask you this question: Why should I have more traffic? I can only see negativ effects of it. What`s the point f it?
      But thanks for your spam that made me think about quality and quantity.

    • I just see, it`s funny, you used your own system 😉

  79. Hi there! I’m at work surfing around your blog. Just wanted to say I love reading your blog and look forward to all your posts! Carry on the superb work!

  80. Hello there! Do you know if they make any plugins to assist with SEO?
    I’m trying to get my blog to rank for some targeted keywords but I’m
    not seeing very good gains. If you know of any please share.

    • Dear Dana,
      I have the same problem and no idea how to place the keywords that I am found with those keywords in the reader. It would be great if somebody could give us a hint.
      Thanks for your commentary.
      Have a great weekend

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  86. Thank you so very much for liking my post today in Tide Line Still Life. I truly appreciate it. I shall have to brush up on my rusty Deutsch (I lived in Germany for three years in the ’90’s) and dig into your postings, as well! Best, Maggie

    • Dear Maggie,
      thanks for your visit and commentary.
      Well, if you have lived in Germany for 3 years I suppose you are able to understand quite a bit.
      From last autumn onwards I blogged in German and English – before in German only. Blogging bilingual is much more work for me but as I have got many English followers I decided to do it. Sorry for my English but it`s really a foreign language to me – but I try my best.
      Have a great day

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    • Thank you somuch for your comment from „Humble Texas“. 🙂
      You wouldn`t believe some other blogger from south Texas did visit me here in „Humble North Norfolk“ just a fortnight ago. Pit, who is commenting here quite regularly, is from Texas.
      With love from the North Norfolk coast to Texas

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    • Actually I am a specialist for copyright. But nevertheless I don`t mind other people copying my texts. It`s a kind of acknowledgement,isn`t it?!
      On the other hand I am that known that people see what`s a text of mine. So it`s not at all a problem of mine.

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  102. Marvelous, what a blog it is! This webpage presents useful information to us, keep it

  103. Hallo – am 25.1.13 lese ich, dass Sie aus Koeln nach East Anglia kamen – ich kam aus Bonn via Koeln an die East Anglia Grenze zu ‚Essex‘, lebte um die halbe welt and nun in Sued Indien und hier find‘ ich Ihren Blog. Ich glaube da ist immer noch ein „Kind“ in mir – ich hab‘ so viel Spass ueber Ihre beiden BuchFeen zu lesen – ich wuenschte ich haette nur etwas mehr Zeit. I follow you now. tschuess fuer heute, Carina

    • Liebe Carina,
      na, das ist ja ein Zufall. Ich lebe bereits seit über 30 Jahren an der Küste Nord-Norfolks nachdem ich auch längere Zeit in Kerala herumreiste.
      Die Buchfeen haen sich sehrst über das Lob gefreut und senden Feenstaub.
      Herzlichen Dank für`s Folgen 🙂 und liebe Grüße
      Klausbernd, der gerade von einem Kurzurlaub in Essex zurückkam.

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  108. This piece of writing is in fact a nice one it helps new net visitors, who are wishing for blogging.

  109. Hi there – you do have a really rich blog here, that you obviously put thought & effort into. I enjoy looking through it. And thanks for the follow, very much!

    • Dear Lynn,
      thanks a lot for visting and commenting 🙂
      As I blog not more than once a week I have that time to think about new post, on the other hand I can go back to notes when I have been lecturing at the McGill University and worked as a writer later. It`s partly that stuff that my editors deleted 😉
      I really like to visit yiur blog regularly. Great pictures, interesting texts!
      Enjoy the Sunday
      Klausbernd 🙂

  110. O, ihr liebklugen Bücherfeen,
    da wollte ich nur mal schnell schauen, wer mir Blümchen vor die Tür gestellt hatte – und schon war ich Feen-Monde lang in die Tiefen des Bücherregals und die Weiten Nord-Norfolks versunken… Aber schön war es doch 😉

    • Liebe Maren,
      weißt du, das waren unsere Freudinnen, die Blumenfeen, mit denen wir bei uns im Garten immer spielen. Wir hatten ihnen den Tipp gegeben. Schön, dass dir unsere Bücherwelten und unsere Heimat gefallen. Unsere liebe Dina wird auf ihrem Blog „The world according too Dina“ bald ihre schönsten Bilder von Nord Norfolk und unserem kleinen Dorf hier präsentieren.
      Habe gaaaaaaaaaaaanz lieben Dank für deinen Kommentar noch einen feinen Sonntag
      Siri & Selma und Klausbernd 🙂 🙂 🙂

  111. Hello there! I could have sworn I’ve been to this site before but after browsing through some of the posts I realized it’s
    new to me. Anyhow, I’m definitely pleased I stumbled upon it and I’ll be bookmarking it and checking back regularly!

  112. Thanks for coming by my blog. =)

  113. Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post „Die Mischung macht’s – auch im Gemüsebeet / It’s all in the mix – also in the veggie patch“. I’m still pretty new in the blogging business and happy for everyone stopping by. Wish you a wonderful summer day.

    • Dear Marika,
      thank you very much for visiting and commenting. You seem to be bilingual as well – oder?
      Einen schönen Tag auch Dir 🙂
      Greetings from the North Norfolk coast

      • Lieber Klausbernd! Ja, dass bin ich – es ist gut zu sehen, dass noch andere Blogger sich die Mühe machen, jeden einzelnen Blog Post zweisprachig zu schreiben. Das ist ganz schön ne Arbeit, hab ich festgestellt, aber so erreichen wir wohl auch hoffentlich noch mehr Leser. Viele Grüsse aus der sehr sonnigen und warmen Zentralschweiz! Marika

      • Liebe Marika,
        da hast du wohl recht, das ist viel Action in zwei Sprachen zu bloggen, was manchmal auch nur mit Zähneknirschen mache. Aber es lohnt sich bestimmt. Ich habe auf meinem Blog hier mindestens genauso viel englischsprachige Leser und Follower wie deutschsprachige, so war es einfach nötig. Und die Zahl der Kommentare hat sich sehr gesteigert, seitdem ich zweisprachig blogge.
        Liebe Grüße und fein, dass du wieder gleich vorbeigekommen bist 🙂

  114. You are a wise man ….. 🙂

  115. Thank you stopping by wavelet & for being the 300 follower ; ) I enjoy your blog a lot!

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  117. This post is actually a nice one it assists new net people, who are wishing for blogging.

  118. Lieber Klausbernd, vielen dank für deinen Besuch auf meinem Blog und deine regelmäßigen likes! Ich freue mich darüber und es ist wirklich entzückend deine wunderbaren texte zu lesen, du spielst richtig mit der Sprache, das gefällt mir! ich sende euch die liebsten Grüße nach Norfolk aus dem schönen Düsseldorf!

    Alles Liebe Lara

    • Liebe Lara,
      hab herzlichen Dank für deinen Kommentar. Und stell dir vor, ich habe auch vor langer Zeit ein Jahr in Düsseldorf hinter dem Eisstadion gewohnt. Mutig für einen Kölner 😉
      Ganz liebe Grüße von der Küste Norfolks an den Rhein
      Meine liebfrechen Buchfeen Siri und Selma lassen auch gar liebst grüßen. Sie haben sich sehr über dein Lob gefreut 🙂 🙂

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  126. Amazing! A blog of remarkable articles, thank you.

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  152. I was told you are a famous blogger and if I look at the number of likes and followers I envy you 😉
    I want to thank you for your work.
    Love from the German coast to the Norfolk coast

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  154. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I truly appreciate your efforts and will follow your blog from now on.

  155. I like your goood posts. It’s always useful to read through articles from other writers. Thanks
    Janette from Stockholm

  156. Dear Kbvollmarblog,
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and liking so many posts…..it is such an endorsement when fellow bloggers are inspired enough to range around a few of my ideas! I would love to return the compliment but sadly don’t speak German….tho‘ many of my friends are German…I do appreciate your photos…lovely Norfolk spreads….xxx

    • Dear Caro,
      yes, I understand – and, by the way, German is not an easy language – therefore I am blogging bilingual – English and German and very rarely Swedish or Norwegian as well – for nearly two years now. If you like to have a look at those posts they are all in English too.
      Most of the photos of my blog are taken by Dina, an Norwegian photographer and my friend, but some were taken by me as well like those of my expeditions in the High Artic.
      Thanks that you took the time for visiting my blog

  157. Whats up very nice blog!! Thanks for sharing.

  158. Wow that was strange. I just wrote an really long comment but after I clicked submit my
    comment didn’t appear. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again.
    Anyway, just wanted to say great blog!

  159. I go to see everyday a few web pages and websites to read articles, but this website gives feature based writing.

  160. Thanks for liking my blog.

  161. Hi Klausbernd, thanks for leading me on to your blog. I’ve had much enjoyment reading it and I really do like the two language approach. I struggle somewhat with German (have to get a dictionary) but it gives great satisfaction when I check the English version and find that I have understood more than just the gist of the German. Apart from the language side of things, I have a lot of fun reading your posts. Keep it coming! And thanks for stopping by

    • Hi Freddy, well, I remember reading those Freak Brother comics with fat Freddy …
      Thanks for your kind commentary which is very much appreciated. Writing a bilingual blog is quite some work but first of all I learn a better English – hopefully – and second most of my readers are English speaking. I suppose you read German at school. But if you don`t practise a language all the time you loose it – it`s a pity.
      I am just back from a hiking holiday in Northern England and will go on blogging next week.
      Thanks for following my blog.
      Greetings from the North Norfolk coast
      Klausbernd and his chirpy Bookfayries Siri and Selma

  162. I ‚m happy reading your article,.truly excellent : D. , cheers

  163. I want to say thanks for sharing all this beautiful posts

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  168. Hey vety interesting blog!

  169. I’m really enjoying your blogs.
    Greaat work!
    Thanx for visiting my blog.

  170. Hello, thank you for liking my posts, that led me here.

    I really appreciate your effort in presenting your thoughts in two languages.

    This really helps people like me who doesn’t understand German language but would certainly like to know more about the people and places there.


    • Thank you very much 🙂
      Blogging in two languages is quite a job, on the other hand blogging is such an international media that English is this language most of the people speak.
      All the best and thanks for commenting

  171. Ahaa, its a good discussion on the topic of this post at this place at this webpage, I
    have read all that, so now me also commenting at this place.

  172. Thank you for taking a look at my photo blog. I will enjoy following your interesting posts (while I learn some German!).

  173. Hi, keep up posting your type of articles. I love reading them. Great!

  174. Hello there! Your posts could not be written any
    Thank you for sharing and visiting my blog!

  175. thanks for stopping by my blog, I’m glad you liked my posts on the costa concordia,
    thanks for doing some of your posts in english, I wish I spoke another language but hard enough to keep up with one 😉 (not really, just not enough time/patience to learn another)
    I love your pictures 🙂

    • Thank you very much for your kind comment.
      Yes, blogging bilingual is necessary to reach many bloggers but it`s quite a job as well. I wish I could write a better English. But you are so right, to learn another language takes incredible much time and if you don`t practise this language you will loose it.
      Most of the pictures are taken by Dina – the Norwegian photographer Hanne Siebers – and the rest are my shots – mostly taken in the high Arctic.
      Have a great weekend

  176. Wonderful posts you write! We are liking all your posts.
    Keep up the good writing.
    Myron from South Africa

  177. Hallo,

    ich habe gerade einen Artikel gefunden, der dich vielleicht interessiert: http://www.zeit.de/2013/47/albtraeume

    http://www.journalsleep.org/AcceptedPapers/SP-126-13.pdf (Thematic and Content Analysis of Idiopathic Nightmares and Bad Dreams)

    Ich hätte nie geglaubt, dass es Zeitschriften gibt, die sich mit dem Schlafen beschäftigen…Oo.

    • Liebe Nomadenseele,
      das finde ich lieb von dir, dass du an mich gedacht hast.
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